Respira Labs is honored to announce that on May 31st, Dr. Maria Artunduaga was selected to complete Forgarty Institute of Innovation’s Ferolyn Leadership Fellowship! This fellowship is dedicated to bringing innovative and marketable medical inventions to the market. The institute itself aims to improve the lives of people without accelerating health care costs- a mission perfectly in line with Respira Labs. The fellowship provides a wonderful team of mentors that are committed to supporting the development of new medical technology.
Dr. Maria Artunduaga is incredibly excited for the program, along with her two other fellows, Dr. Eric Chehab, and Andy McGibbon. Dr. Eric Chehab is the CEO of Novonate, a startup focused on neonatal care and Andy McGibbon is a partner at Sonder Capital, a firm that invests in medical technology. Huge congratulations to them as well!
To read more about the program and mentor class click this link!: